Heating Library
Here are some ethnographies about heating in the UK and other parts of the world:
- Wilhite, H., Nakagami, H., Masuda, T., Yamaga, Y., & Haneda, H. (1996). A cross-cultural analysis of household energy use behaviour in Japan and Norway. Energy Policy, 24, 795-803. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/223030148_A_cross-cultural_analysis_of_household_energy_use_behaviour_in_Japan_and_Norway)
- P. Devine-Wright, W. Wrapson, V. Henshaw & S. Guy (2014) Low carbon heating and older adults: comfort, cosiness and glow, Building Research & Information, 42:3, 288-299.
(https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2014.883563) - Lenneke Kuijer, Matt Watson,‘That’s when we started using the living room’: Lessons from a local history of domestic heating in the United Kingdom,Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 28, 2017, Pages 77-85.
(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214629617301044) - Hitchings, R., & Day, R. (2011). How older people relate to the private winter warmth practices of their peers and why we should be interested. Environment and Planning A, 43(10), 2452-2467.
(https://research.birmingham.ac.uk/en/publications/how-older-people-relate-to-the-private-winter-warmth-practices-of) - Chappells †, H., & Shove ‡, E. (2005). Debating the future of comfort: environmental sustainability, energy consumption and the indoor environment. Building Research & Information, 33(1), 32–40.
(https://doi-org.gate3.library.lse.ac.uk/10.1080/0961321042000322762) - Fennell, C. (2011). ‘Project heat’ and sensory politics in redeveloping Chicago public housing. Ethnography, 12(1), 40-64.